Office in Slovenia
PFP Law o.p. d.o.o.
Bleiweisova cesta 30,
SI-1000 Ljubljana
T +386 8 205 21 11
Reg. No: 6098797000
Vat No: SI 20624441
Luka Fabiani is partner at PFP LAW where he acts as counsel to and represents both domestic and foreign clients before the Slovenian courts, administrative and other authorities, as well as in arbitration. His experience in contract law, dispute resolution mechanisms, as well as management liability stands out in particular. He also represents clients as defence counsel in criminal proceedings, particularly in the field of white collar crime, while dedicating special attention to advising in the areas of corporate compliance, personal data protection law and intellectual property law. In addition to his master’s degree in competition law from the University of Tübingen, Germany, he is also a Certified Fraud Examiner licenced by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).
Country: SI
Areas of work:
Awards and client commendations:
“Great team, approachable people, friendly attitude. Luka Fabiani – good negotiation skills, ability to explain issues in understandable manner.” (client quote, Legal500)
“Large yet very diverse team, very responsive, and covering all areas where we needed legal assistance/advice. Luka Fabiani is expert in his field, highly responsive, straight to the point, very good in finding details yet at the same time providing an “executive summary” type of feedback.” (client quote, Legal500)
“Very hands-on team with a good mix of individual strengths. /…/ All of them are exceptional lawyers with a lot of know-how in their respective fields.” (client quote, Legal500)
»Luka Fabiani provides immediate responses and his advice is always in an executive-summary style. He is an expert in several different fields.« (client quote, Legal500)
Jernej Jeraj is a partner at PFP LAW with more than 20 years of experience in the legal profession. He specialises in Corporate / M&A, Commercial Law, Insolvency Law and Restructuring, Employment Law, and Real Estate and Construction Law. During the first ten years of his career, he gained experience working in international law firms, where he was responsible for, among other things, managing complex domestic and foreign commercial transactions, and he also gained significant experience in advising on corporate restructuring, joint ventures and real estate project management.
Jernej is regularly ranked among the leading lawyers in Slovenia in the field of Employment, Corporate M&A and Real Estate Law by reputable international legal directories. Clients describe him as a sound, assured lawyer with an extensive range of legal expertise, who understands the intricacies of the economy and the needs of his clients.
Jernej is also active in the international networking of our law firm and regularly publishes articles in the fields of employment, insolvency and commercial law. He is fluent in Slovenian, English, German, Croatian and Serbian.
Country: SI
Areas of work:
Awards and client commendations:
“Jernej Jeraj is active in M&A transactions and the structuring of joint venture agreements. He is described as ‘focused and down to earth’ by one client, who goes on to say: ‘He understands my business very well, has very good common sense and understands what we want to do.'” (Chambers and Partners)
“Jernej Jeraj is praised for ‘his calmness and good judgement’ and offers experience acting for employers on contentious employment cases.” (Chambers and Partners)
“He is a devoted, creative and highly professional lawyer with good knowledge and consideration for his clients’ needs and expectations.” (Chambers and Partners)
“Jernej Jeraj can be highly recommended as a very responsive lawyer with deep knowledge, keeping all details always in mind.” (IFLR 1000)
“Jernej Jeraj has very good knowledge of the matters sent to him. Quick responses. Understands that providing advice from a business perspective is more important than a ‘legal answer’.” (IFLR 1000)
“Jernej Jeraj is accurate, professional, polite, on-time.” (IFLR 1000)
“‘Highly experienced’ managing partner Jernej Jeraj heads the team, which typically acts for subsidiaries of international corporations and domestic companies.” (Legal 500)
“Jernej Jeraj is ‘really experienced, providing detail-oriented advice and explaining everything in an understandable way.’ He has knowledge of cases in sectors spanning IT, finance, telecoms and retail, amongst others.” (Chambers and Partners)
“Jernej Jeraj is well reputed for his extensive experience and high activity in employment matters. Clients enthuse that he ‘truly understands the issues the company is facing and acts proactively in order to protect the interests of the client.'” (Chambers and Partners)
“Jernej Jeraj is an ‘Exceptional lawyer with great and wide knowledge, experience, calmness, reasoned thinking, problem solving, hardworking, accurate and trustworthy…. an excellent lawyer, always available to provide first class advice. Offers business-oriented solutions.'” (IFLR 1000)
“Jernej Jeraj is increasingly active on issues such as transactional due diligence, restructuring and franchise agreement matters. Clients consider him ‘energetic and motivated, with a sound understanding of business and a solid grasp of domestic and international law.'” (Chambers and Partners)
“Excellent Jernej Jeraj is very dynamic and possesses a broad legal knowledge.” (Legal 500)
Chambers Employment Guide 2024, chapter Slovenia (2024)
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, Legal Buzz (2023)
Work from home after the (official) end of the pandemic, Legal Buzz (2022)
What changes are in the pipeline for insolvency law?, Legal Buzz (2021)
Stairs as a (non)dangerous object, Legal Buzz (2020)
Changes in online payment services and other electronic payments, Legal Buzz (2019)
Trade secrets: Have you the proper safeguards in place?, Legal Buzz (2019)
Jeraj, Jernej. 2012. Cross-Border Insolvency II: A Guide to Recognition and Enforcement V Chapter 37: The Republic of Slovenia, ur. INSOL International, 227–231. INSOL International. Available here.
Jeraj, Jernej in Maja Vagaja. 2010. Uporaba besede skupina. Pravna praksa: PP: 29 (39): 20.
Jeraj, Jernej in Katarina Koren. 2009. Skrbni pregled podjetja. Pravna praksa: PP: 28 (40/41): I–X.
Jeraj, Jernej in Marko Prušnik. 2009. Unternehmenserwerb aus dem Konkurs in Slowenien. Eastlex 5 (181).
Van Hooghten, Paul, ur. 2009. The European takeover directive and its implementation: Implementation of the European Takeover Directive in Slovenia. New York: Oxford University Press.
Wahl, Matthias in Jernej Jeraj. 2007. Unternehmenskauf in Slowenien. Eastlex 2 (84).
Kirchhof, Florian, Jernej Jeraj in Tomaž Petrovič. 2005. Die Umsetzung der Elektroschrottrichtlinie in Slowenie. Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft, AbfallR 3 (6): 119–122.
Watson Wyatt Data Services, Watson Wyatt Worldwide. 2006. Employment Terms & Conditions Report Europe.
Tomaž Petrovič is partner at PFP LAW where his main areas of practice are commercial and property law. Prior to joining the firm he worked at two international law firms, where he was in charge of developing the commercial department and headed numerous due diligence investigations and corporate mergers and acquisitions as well as other related proceedings. He has extensive experience in transactions in the telecommunications sector, while his client portfolio boasts many international and Slovenian companies from a variety of commercial sectors. Throughout his twenty years as an attorney-at-law, he has accumulated a wealth of experience that extends to areas such as public procurement, the energy industry and public infrastructure.
Country: SI
Areas of work:
Awards and client commendations:
»Tomaž Petrovič has ‘a thorough understanding of takeovers and privatisation attempts’.” (client quote, Legal 500)
»Tomaž Petrovič provides understandable legal advice on energy law and complex energy questions in a way that a broad group of people (not only lawyers) are able to understand.« (client quote, Legal 500)
Petrovič, Tomaž. 2015. Handbuch des internationalen GmbH-Rechts V Authored chapters on Slovenia, ur. Rembert Süß in Thomas Wachter. Bonn: Zerb Verlag.
Petrovič, Tomaž in Peter Zorin. 2011. Recent developments in the Slovenian energy market. European energy review: 307–309.
Petrovič, Tomaž in Peter Zorin. 2011. Overview of the legal and regulatory framework in Slovenia. European energy review: 310–314.
Petrovič, Tomaž in Peter Zorin. 2010. Implementing the Third Energy Package and the Climate Change Package in Slovenia. European energy review 2010: special edition on the EU third energy and climate change packages: 120–123.
van Hooghten, Paul in drugi. 2009. The European takeover directive and its implementation: Implementation of the European Takeover Directive in Slovenia. New York: Oxford University Press.
Petrovič, Tomaž. 2006. Die Umsetzung der Elektroschrottrichtlinie in Slowenien. Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft, AbfallR 5 (3): 5.
Kirchhof, Florian in Jernej Jeraj, Tomaž Petrovič. 2005. Die Umsetzung der Elektroschrottrichtlinie in Slowenie. Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft, AbfallR 3 (6): 119–122.
Petrovič, Tomaž in Florian Kirchhof. Die Umsetzung der FFH-RL in Slowenien. Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht weiterempfehlen, EurUP 3 (6): 4.
Rejc, Boštjan in Tomaž Petrovič. 2003. Verižna kompenzacija je običajen način izpolnitve. Pravna praksa: PP 22 (3): 7–9.
Rejc, Boštjan in Tomaž Petrovič. 2002. Verižna kompenzacija je običajen način izpolnitve. Pravna praksa : PP 21 (20): 7–9.
Petrovič, Tomaž. 1998. Pospeševanje izvoza Slovenije v države nekdanje Jugoslavije in vloga Slovenske izvozne družbe. Bančni vestnik 47 (6): 22–30.
Marko Prušnik is a partner at PFP LAW and a dual-qualified attorney in Austria and Slovenia. While covering the entire range of business law aspects, his main emphasis is on Corporate / M&A, Banking & Finance (incl. Capital Markets) and Real Estate. Before the establishment of PFP LAW, he was running his own practice and was a partner of one of the largest international law firms in the region (and head of such law firm’s Slovenian Corporate/M&A practice). Marko was involved in numerous highlight M&A and Real Estate deals in Slovenia and Austria in recent years (both on the sell-side and on the buy-side) and is advising clients from various industries (incl. banking, telecommunication, leisure / tourism, retail, energy, and aviation). He holds a doctorate from the University of Vienna (Doctor iuris) and is fluent in English, German, and Slovenian.
Country: SI, AT
Areas of work:
Awards and client commendations:
“Highly responsive, good communication skills, a lot of knowledge and experience in the M&A area.” (Client quote, IFLR1000)
“Marko Prušnik demonstrates a good commercial awareness of matters with a proactive manner.” (Client quote, Chambers and Partners)
“Partner Marko Prušnik is an incredible legal expert, who has a keen eye for legally relevant details. He is very creative in his solutions, calm, and confident.” (Client quote, Legal500)
“Marko Prušnik is a real master of his work.” (Client quote, Legal500)
“Responsive and practical, and always tries to find the most suitable solution for the case at hand.” (Client quote, Chambers and Partners)
“Dual qualified in Austria and Slovenia, Marko Prušnik acts for domestic clients on their operations abroad, including disposals and acquisitions. Interviewees praise his practical attitude, further adding: ‘He always approaches difficult issues with the solution in mind.’” (Chambers and Partners)
“Marko Prušnik is smart, dedicated and to the point.” (Chambers and Partners)
“Marko is simply a very dedicated lawyer, who always delivers on time and in accordance with his promises.” (Chambers and Partners)
“He is an exceptional attorney and it is a true pleasure to work with him.” (Chambers and Partners)
Before embarking on a career in law, Boštjan Rejc worked in the business sector where he gained in-depth specialist expertise in commodities trading. Today, Boštjan is an attorney-at-law, specialising in commercial law with extensive experience in the areas of corporate and commercial contract law, intellectual property law and energy law. As part of his specialisation, he frequently advises and represents both domestic and foreign clients operating in a wide variety of commercial sectors (food industry, trade, energy industry, freight forwarding, publishing), with respect to their transactions, negotiations and harmonisations, as well as dealings with state authorities. Perseverance, experience and a broad skillset are the qualities that distinguish Boštjan as an attorney-at-law.
Country: SI
Areas of work:
Awards and client commendations:
»Boštjan Rejc has ‘broad experience in the energy sector’ and leads the real estate and IP teams.« (Legal 500)
»Boštjan Rejc is a type of lawyer who goes to great lengths to meet client’s interests. He is goal oriented and keeps his client’s best interest at heart. The advice he provides is always practical and business oriented. What also impressed me was his unwavering integrity.« (IFLR 1000)
»Bostjan Rejc is really knowledgeable of the legal aspects connected to the energy (e.g. electricity) necessary to understand businesses.« (Legal 500)
Rejc, Boštjan. 2014. Nedopustno rušenje zaupanja v delo odvetnikov. Odvetnik 16 (5): 36–37.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2013. Ali je bianko menica tudi menica po ustavni odločbi? Pravna praksa: PP 32 (22): 15–16.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2013. Neodvisnost sodstva je lahko zgolj relativna, nadzor pa nujen. Pravna praksa: PP 15 (4): 32–34.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2013. Nedopustnost pobotanja strankinih sredstev s strani odvetnika. Odvetnik 15 (3): 39–41.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2012. Zbornica kot branik neodvisnega odvetništva. Odvetnik 14 (2): 6–7.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2012. Ogledalo: kdo je tu nor? Pravna praksa: PP 31 (13): 9–10.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2011. Nadaljevanje postopkov zoper družbenike izbrisanih družb po ZFPPIPP je treba takoj ustaviti. Pravna praksa: PP 30 (48): 6–8.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2011. Aktivna legitimacija kolektivne organizacije po ZASP. Pravna praksa: PP 30 (24/25): 19–21.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2007. Informacijska tehnologija in/ali pravica do naravnega sodnika. Pravna praksa: PP 26 (3): 14–15.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2005. Prepoved anatocizma. Pravna praksa: PP 24 (9): X–XII.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2003. Odpravnina poslovodji po ZGD. Pravna praksa: PP 22 (13): 13–14.
Rejc, Boštjan and Tomaž Petrovič. 2003. Verižna kompenzacija je običajen način izpolnitve. Pravna praksa: PP 22 (3): 7–9.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2003. Skladiščnica, banke in agroživilska panoga. Bančni vestnik 52 (9): 17–21.
Rejc, Boštjan. 2002. Spregled pravne osebnosti kapitalske gospodarske družbe. Pravnik 57 (6/8): 437–451.
Rejc, Boštjan and Tomaž Petrovič. 2002. Verižna kompenzacija je običajen način izpolnitve. Pravna praksa: PP 21 (20): 7–9.
Rejc, Boštjan. 1999. Davek na dodano vrednost na finančne storitve. Bančni vestnik 48 (4): 7–11.
Rejc, Boštjan. 1996. Ustanovitev podružnic v skladu z Drugo bančno direktivo. Bančni vestnik 45 (6):29–33.
Klavdija Kek specialises in Real Estate and Construction Law, in which she has gained extensive experience through her participation and management of various projects. She also advises clients on a daily basis in the areas of Contract and Corporate law. In addition, she represents clients in proceedings before state authorities in various areas of law and deals also with Family Law.
Klavdija is being praised by clients and peers for her attention to detail, her diligence and her willingness to go an extra mile for the client in order to find a feasible solution to the problem at hand. Beyond her legal skills, Klavdija’s passion for building strong relationships with clients and industry professionals sets her apart. Her ability to empathize with clients’ needs and aspirations fosters trust and loyalty, making her a sought-after advisor in her field. Her colleagues praise her for reliability and creative approach to solving cases.
After completing her studies at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, Klavdija joined one of the largest Slovenian law firms as a junior associate in October 2017, where she gained experience mainly in Real Estate, Construction Law and Commercial Law. In November 2019, she joined the Ljubljana High Court as a trainee judge, and in February 2021, she passed the State Bar Examination.
Since then, she has been employed at PFP Law, where she works as an attorney at law and heads the Real Estate and Construction Law department. Klavdija is also the editor of the Legal Buzz newsletter, which she produces with her colleagues from PFP Law to inform clients about legal and tax news.
Country: SI
Areas of work:
Installation of Devices for Electricity Production from Renewable Energy Sources, Legal Buzz (2023)
Have you been correctly charged for development land usage?, Legal Buzz (2023)
New exemptions from the ban on operating shops on Sundays and work-free days, Legal Buzz (2022)
Retention planning permission option under the new Building Act, Legal Buzz (2022)
What can be expected from the planned overhaul of the Consumer Protection Act?, Legal Buzz (2022)
Soaring construction materials – how do they impact already agreed fees?, Legal Buzz (2021)
What does the Real Estate Cadaster Bill bring to the table?, Legal Buzz (2021)
Matevž is a highly skilled and specialized Attorney at Law (LL.M. the Netherlands) with a primary focus on Administrative Law, Corporate / M&A mandates, Competition Law, Public-Private Partnerships and Public Procurement Procedures. His expertise lies in facilitating collaboration between public sector entities, such as government agencies and municipalities, and private sector stakeholders, including corporations and investment firms. Matevž’s work is highly valued by our clients – his calm, professional and diplomatic approach allow him to bring together diverse interests, facilitating open communication and constructive dialogue among all parties. He is always trying to find creative solutions to complex legal problems, tailoring his strategies to suit each client’s specific circumstances.
Matevž interned with the firm as a final-year student of the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Upon graduating in 2014, he started working for us as a junior associate. Alongside his work, Matevž completed his LL.M. in International Business Law at the VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 2017, passed the Judicial State Examination in 2018 and in 2021 obtained a Certificate of Qualification for Members of Supervisory Boards or Management Boards of Companies from the Slovenian Directors’ Association. He speaks Slovenian, English, German, Croatian and Serbian.
Country: SI
Areas of work:
Notification of foreign direct investments under the new rules, Legal Buzz (2023)
Which references can be requested in a public procurement procedure?, Legal Buzz (2022)
Competition Protection Agency issues decision in one of its longest-running cases, Legal Buzz (2021)
European Super League and matters of competition law, Legal Buzz (2021)
Proposal of amendment ZGD-1K (part two), Legal Buzz (2021)
Proposal of an amendment to ZGD-1K (part one), Legal Buzz (2021)
Safeguarding Slovenian Strategic Assets Against Unwanted Foreign Investors, Legal Buzz (2020)
New real estate valuation models and trial valuation calculator, Legal Buzz (2019)
Amendment to the Real Property Mass Valuation Act (ZMVN-1), Lgeal Buzz (2019)
Tina Marciuš Ravnikar joined our office in October 2019 after completing her master’s degree in law. Prior to that, she acquired her knowledge during her studies in various law firms and as an exchange student in Germany. While working in our office, she also gained experience in court as a judicial trainee. She mainly deals with commercial and civil law.
Country: SI
Areas of work:
Dean Premec is an attorney at law at PFP LAW where he primarily works on general civil and property law, criminal law, dispute resolution cases, and he also represents domestic and foreign clients in other matters before Slovenian courts and authorities. Prior to joining the ranks of the legal profession, he worked for many years in the business sector, namely in media and mobile communications. As Dean graduated in law at a Croatian university, in addition to the Slovenian legal system, he is also well-versed in the Croatian legal system. In 2018 Dean was appointed as Court Interpreter for the Croatian language by the Ministry of Justice and in 2023 he was appointed as mediator at the Mediation Centre by the Bar Association of Slovenia. Dean speaks fluently Slovenian, English, Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian.
Country: SI
Areas of work:
Katja Triller Vrtovec joined our team in September 2022 and mainly deals with administrative medical law.
After graduating from the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, Katja continued her studies in America and in 2003 obtained a master of laws degree from the University of Houston Law Center, where she specialised in medical law. She passed the state bar exam in 2004 and then became a doctor of laws in 2008. In addition to her studies, Katja has worked in various other positions, including as an advisor to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, and is now an active associate professor in the field of regulatory and public administration at the European University of Law in Nova Gorica.
Country: SI
Areas of work:
Martin Pirkovič is an attorney at law at PFP LAW where he specializes in Corporate / M&A, especially on cross-border transactions, and also deals with Real Estate and Dispute Resolution matters. In addition to the Slovenian legal system, he is also well-versed in Austrian law. Martin joined our office in September 2020. He studied in Austria and obtained the title of Magister iuris at the Faculty of Law, University of Vienna. During his studies, he was working as a student assistant at the faculty. As a student, he gained working experience also in reputable law firm in Vienna and Ljubljana. Martin is fluent in three languages: Slovenian, German and English.
Country: SI, AT
Areas of work:
Eva Bardutzky, a junior associate, joined our law firm as a student and became a full-time employee with us in 2023. Prior to joining our law firm, she gained experience in the office of insolvency practitioners. She primarily focuses on labour and commercial law. Eva speaks Slovenian and English.
Country: SI
Areas of work:
Chambers Employment Guide 2024, chapter Slovenia, Trends and Developments (2024)
Installation of Devices for Electricity Production from Renewable Energy Sources (2023)
What are the requirements for a home charging station for an electric car in an apartment building? (2022)
How to claim financial aid for the purchase of COVID-19 rapid antigen self-tests for workers? (2022)
Retention planning permission option under the new Building Act (2022)
Petra Juratovec joined our team as a student and became a full-time employee with us in 2023. Before that, she gained experience in a notary’s office. Petra deals with dispute resolution and administrative and civil law.
Country: SI
Areas of work:
Marko Prušnik is a partner at PFP LAW and a dual-qualified attorney in Austria and Slovenia. While covering the entire range of business law aspects, his main emphasis is on Corporate / M&A, Banking & Finance (incl. Capital Markets) and Real Estate. Before the establishment of PFP LAW, he was running his own practice and was a partner of one of the largest international law firms in the region (and head of such law firm’s Slovenian Corporate/M&A practice). Marko was involved in numerous highlight M&A and Real Estate deals in Slovenia and Austria in recent years (both on the sell-side and on the buy-side) and is advising clients from various industries (incl. banking, telecommunication, leisure / tourism, retail, energy, and aviation). He holds a doctorate from the University of Vienna (Doctor iuris) and is fluent in English, German, and Slovenian.
Country: SI, AT
Areas of work:
Awards and client commendations:
“Highly responsive, good communication skills, a lot of knowledge and experience in the M&A area.” (Client quote, IFLR1000)
“Marko Prušnik demonstrates a good commercial awareness of matters with a proactive manner.” (Client quote, Chambers and Partners)
“Partner Marko Prušnik is an incredible legal expert, who has a keen eye for legally relevant details. He is very creative in his solutions, calm, and confident.” (Client quote, Legal500)
“Marko Prušnik is a real master of his work.” (Client quote, Legal500)
“Responsive and practical, and always tries to find the most suitable solution for the case at hand.” (Client quote, Chambers and Partners)
“Dual qualified in Austria and Slovenia, Marko Prušnik acts for domestic clients on their operations abroad, including disposals and acquisitions. Interviewees praise his practical attitude, further adding: ‘He always approaches difficult issues with the solution in mind.’” (Chambers and Partners)
“Marko Prušnik is smart, dedicated and to the point.” (Chambers and Partners)
“Marko is simply a very dedicated lawyer, who always delivers on time and in accordance with his promises.” (Chambers and Partners)
“He is an exceptional attorney and it is a true pleasure to work with him.” (Chambers and Partners)
Marko Vladic, LL.B., LL.M. is an experienced attorney based in Austria, specializing in Real Estate, Commercial and Contract Law, Corporate / M&A, and Dispute Resolution. As a key member of PFP Law, Marko’s practice spans a broad spectrum of legal services, with a particular focus on guiding clients through complex real estate transactions, both domestically and internationally. His expertise includes drafting and negotiating contracts for property transactions and corporate sales, along with providing ongoing legal advice on property law, construction law, and corporate law. Additionally, Marko has extensive experience in preparing various court submissions, ensuring that his clients are well-represented in litigation matters. Marko earned his Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Business Law from the University of Economics and Business (WU) in 2014, following his Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from the same institution in 2012. Fluent in English, German, and Serbian, Marko brings a comprehensive understanding of both legal and business principles, enabling him to effectively navigate the complexities of the Austrian legal landscape for his clients.
Country: AT
Areas of work:
Awards and client commendations:
“Marko Vladic is an exceptionally diligent lawyer with incredible knowledge. He also delivers a high level of service and his response time is unmatched.” (Client quote, Legal500)
Martin Pirkovič is an attorney at law at PFP LAW where he specializes in Corporate / M&A, especially on cross-border transactions, and also deals with Real Estate and Dispute Resolution matters. In addition to the Slovenian legal system, he is also well-versed in Austrian law. Martin joined our office in September 2020. He studied in Austria and obtained the title of Magister iuris at the Faculty of Law, University of Vienna. During his studies, he was working as a student assistant at the faculty. As a student, he gained working experience also in reputable law firm in Vienna and Ljubljana. Martin is fluent in three languages: Slovenian, German and English.
Country: SI, AT
Areas of work:
Johanna Kaschubek is a senior associate at PFP LAW where she practices in the area of Real Estate and Construction Law. Before joining us, she gained experience in real estate, corporate and insolvency law in several international law firms.
Johanna earned Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Business Law from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) in 2020 and was a part of a winning team of a Moot Court competition for corporate law contract drafting in 2019. She speaks German and English fluently and is also able to communicate in French.
Country: AT
Areas of work: