Installation of Devices for Electricity Production from Renewable Energy Sources
There are suggestions that Slovenia lags behind comparable EU Member States in utilising solar and wind energy. It is also considered one of the poorer performers in the EU in terms of increasing the share of renewable energy sources in recent years (i.e. between 2010 and 2020). With the goal of decarbonisation in mind, the new Act on the siting of installations for the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources (“ZUNPEOVE”) introduces several changes, such as: (i) the establishment of priority areas for the placement of devices that produce electricity from renewable sources; (ii) changes regarding spatial planning and permits for facilities and structures for the use of solar and wind energy; (iii) so-called regulatory sandboxes; (iv) special regulations for legal relationships related to the installation of photovoltaic devices on co-owned and condominium properties, among many others.
- Roofs of buildings and paved parking areas on building plots in residential areas with a footprint of 1,000 m2 or more.
- Areas of road land, road structures, public road service stations, and public road service areas.
- Railway areas.
- Areas of electricity production facilities and distribution transformer stations extending up to 5 m from the edge of the outermost energy facility.
- Closed landfill areas.
- Certain abandoned and former opencast mining sites not filled with water.
- Designated existing inactive waste disposal sites and abandoned waste disposal sites.
Photovoltaic devices can be installed in all these prescribed areas regardless of the local energy concept.