Electronic reporting of workplace accidents and injuries
On 1 September 2022 the Workplace Safety Reporting Rules took effect, which set down a framework for reporting workplace accidents and injuries via the SPOT portal and abolishing the current ER-8 paper form for most cases.
All employers registered in the Slovenian Business Register (PRS) must report workplace accidents and injuries (eReport NPD) electronically via the SPOT portal. A digital certificate is required from either a legal representative or a proxy (as explained in more detail below) to access and use the SPOT system features.
Employers who are not registered in the PRS report workplace accidents or injuries by completing the general part of the paper form and submitting it in person or by post or scanned by e-mail to the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (“ZZZS”). ZZZS will enter the details from the form into the SPOT portal on behalf of these employers.
If the legal representative does not wish to submit applications via the SPOT portal an authorised person may do so on his behalf. In this respect, a new authorisation must be arranged. This can be done electronically if the legal representative holds a digital certificate or by a written application sent to any SPOT. The authorisation must be in place at the latest by the time the workplace accident or injury occurs. The employer is required by law to submit a report to the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia (“IRSD”) and ZZZS. Therefore, we recommend that all employers roll out procedures as soon as possible to facilitate report filing electronically (i.e. obtain an appropriate digital certificate for the legal representative or authorise a person holding such a certificate).
The employer must report the workplace accident or injury immediately or as soon as possible by completing the general part of the form via the SPOT portal. Those details will be forwarded to the IRSD and the ZZZS. If the report concerns a person covered by compulsory health insurance, it will be accessible to the injured person’s physician; however, the injured person must contact his/her chosen physician about completing the medical part of the form. ZZZS will forward the details entered by the employer and the personal physician to NIJZ.
The SPOT portal also allows for the withdrawal of submitted workplace accident and injury reports containing errors or omissions.
Authors: Petra Juratovec, Student and Eva Možina, Attorney-at-Law