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Free flow of non-personal data in the EU

26. June, 2019No Comments

Free flow of non-personal data in the EU

Regulation (EU) 2018/1807   on a framework for the free flow of non-personal data in the European Union (whereby non-personal data is all data other than personal data as defined in GDPR) bans measures known as localization requirements, restricting data processing to a specific territory in the EU, except on public security grounds (in compliance with the principal of proportionality).
By 30 May 2021, if a Member State considers that an existing measure containing a data localization requirement is in compliance with the Regulation and can therefore remain in force, it shall communicate that measure to the Commission, together with a justification for maintaining it in force.
Slovenia is currently in the process of implementing this EU Regulation. The first drafts specify that the authority responsible for reporting and keeping records of data localization requirements shall be the ministry dealing with information society.
If this act implementing the EU Regulation is adopted, a tab will be made available on the website of the Directorate for the Information Society, which will list and make public all Slovenia’s data localization requirements and exemptions thereto.
Author: Erika Poles, Associate