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Changes to legislation on Court and Business Registers

19. December, 2017No Comments

Changes to legislation on Court and Business Registers

The purpose of Business Registers Interconnection System (BRIS) is to facilitate cross-border trade and improve trust in the business transparency on the uniform EU market. The system provides individuals with access information on companies, cross-border mergers and branches established in another EU Member State, whereas the access is enabled through a uniform European portal e-Justice. It is now possible to access general information on foreign companies, information as to whether a company is subject to insolvency or liquidation proceedings or whether it has been deleted from a national business register. In doing so, some information may be accessed free-of-charge, whereas with respect to other information (including certain company documentation, such as articles of association and annual reports) it is left to each Member State to decide whether access to such information will be free-of-charge or not. Information on which data held in national business registers may be accessed free-of-charge can be found on the e-Justice Portal. The central authority in Slovenia tasked with ensuring and managing BRIS interconnectivity is AJPES.

BRIS brings with it a so-called unique identifier (uniform identifying company number), which allows companies to be unequivocally identified within the EU. Companies and branches will, for the purposes of communication, still have to use their registration number, which will be in use in addition to the unique identifier.

The amendment of the Court Register of Legal Entities Act (Zakon o sodnem registru; ZSreg-B) also abolishes the limitation of publication of only the last clean copy of amendments to articles of association of companies. In addition, AJPES will also publish final judicial decisions on finding of nullity of corporations. From now on, the regulation of the system »all in one place« (VEM) is no longer encompassed in the Court Register of Legal Entities Act, but in the Business Register of Slovenia Act (Zakon o Poslovnem registru Slovenije; ZPRS-1B), whereby the system VEM has been renamed the Business Entities Support System.