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Be Warned: e-mail address registration is now mandatory for companies

14. June, 2021No Comments

Be Warned: e-mail address registration is now mandatory for companies

In accordance with the amendment ZGD-1K, which has already been discussed in Legal BUZZ, it is a company’s electronic address must be registered in the Business Register of Slovenia (PRS) when the company is established. At the same time, the transitional provisions of the amendment, which stipulate that all companies (including existing ones) must update their data in the register in accordance with this provision, should not be ignored. The deadline to do so is one year from the amendment’s entry into force, i.e. by 24 February 2022

The company must report its e-mail address to the register by that date. It can do this as follows: 
• submits an application for entry of a change only in the PRS at the SPOT point; 
• send the application directly to AJPES, where no form is prescribed and an ordinary letter will suffice, but it must be signed; 
• send a completed and signed form Application for registration in the PRS (whereby it is necessary to enter only the registration number, company name, business address, date of application and information being changed by the application, i.e. the company’s email address); 
 • if the company also changes any other data in the court register, it may at the same time submit an application for entry of the change in the PRS to the SPOT point or to a notary.
If you have previously notified AJPES of the company’s e-mail address, we advise you to check whether it is still current and, if necessary, change it in one of the above ways. 
Please note that the obligation to register an e-mail address under the amendment to the Companies Act (ZGD-1K) applies to capital and personal companies and business interest associations and branches of foreign companies, but not to sole proprietors. 
In light of the above we remind existing companies not to forget about this obligation and to inform AJPES of their e-mail address as soon as possible, as they otherwise face a fine. There is still plenty of time until the deadline, but as you know – what you can do today … 
Author: Martin Pirkovič, Associate