Real Estate and Construction Law

Real estate and construction law is a multidisciplinary field that integrates aspects of substantive law, contract law, financial transactions, environmental protection, and administrative and tax law. As such, successful real estate transactions require an interdisciplinary approach.

Z našimi obsežnimi izkušnjami in razumevanjem delovanja lokalnega trga nudimo celovite pravne storitve na področju nepremičnin in gradbenega prava. Osredotočamo se na vse vidike nepremičninskih projektov, od načrtovanja in gradnje do inženiringa, financiranja in nakupa.

We have particular expertise in the acquisition, sale, and development of commercial real estate, as well as lease agreements. Our services also include resolving disputes in the field of real estate and construction law.

Whether our client is an individual, a company, an institutional investor, or a bank, we offer a comprehensive, case-specific approach, providing practical, economically justified, and sustainable solutions.

Real Estate and Construction Law services:

  • Drafting documents for the purchase, sale, encumbrance, or transfer of real estate;
  • Arranging lease agreements and various types of servitudes;
  • Addressing legal issues related to construction;
  • Planning, developing, and protecting real estate projects;
  • Financing real estate transactions;
  • Preparing leasing agreements;
  • Interpreting tax legislation related to real estate.