Suspended: Act on Judicial Protection for Former Holders of Qualified Bank Liabilities
The Act on Judicial Protection for Former Holders of Eligible Liabilities of Banks (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 72/19; ZPSVIKOB), which governs compensation claims by bank customers whose rights have been affected by the extraordinary measure imposed by the Bank of Slovenia and provides for both judicial and extrajudicial protection in enforcing compensation rights. With respect to extrajudicial protection, Article 4 of ZPSVIKOB provides for the right to a flat-rate compensation. Flat-rate compensation claims are to to be submitted to the Bank of Slovenia by former holders whose gross income in 2013 did not exceed EUR 18,278.16. The Bank of Slovenia would pay qualifying holders a flat-rate of compensation of 80% of the amount paid by the holder for the eligible liabilities, whereas compensation may not exceed EUR 20,000 for each order. Qualifying holders availing of the flat-rate of compensation scheme waive the right to compensation under Article 350a of the Banking Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 99/10, as amended; ZBan-1).