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Signing of the Agreement on the employment of citizens of the Republic of Serbia in Slovenia is followed by a protocol

18. December, 2018No Comments

Signing of the Agreement on the employment of citizens of the Republic of Serbia in Slovenia is followed by a protocol

The minister for labour, family, social matters and equal opportunities mag. Ksenija Klampfer signed the Protocol on the implementation of the Agreement on the employment of citizens of Republic of Serbia in the Republic in Slovenia (the Agreement) on 7 November 2018 in Serbia. The Ministry for Labour, Family, Social Matters and Equal Opportunities (MDDSZ) reports that the signing of this Agreement cuts some of the red tape with regard to the employment of Serbian citizens in Slovenia. According to the MDDSZ report, it will now be much easier to employ staff in sectors of the Slovene economy that are experiencing labour shortages (for example tourism). 
The employment of citizens of the Republic of Serbia in Slovenia will likely be set in motion by May 2019, but essentially the provisions and procedures will be the identical to those in place for the employment of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia.
MDDSZ predicts that owing to the new administrative regime approx. 4,000 citizens of the Republic of Serbia will be employed in Slovenia by the end of 2019. This is a threefold increase on numbers seen in recent years.